Ishikawa, M., & Yoshioka, A. (2025) Gaze cues facilitate incidental learning in children aged 7–10 years, but arrow cues do not. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Ishikawa, M., & Yoshioka, A. (2025) Gaze cues facilitate incidental learning in children aged 7–10 years, but arrow cues do not. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Manzi, F., Ishikawa, M., Cinzia Di Dio, C., Itakura, S., Kanda, T., Ishiguro, H., Massari, D., & Marchetti, A. (2025). Theory of Mind Abilities Predict Robot’s Gaze Effects on Object Preference. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.
鈴木真介、「食嗜好を生み出す脳の計算」、第28回日本心療内科学会総会・学術大会 特別講演、2024年12月7日
James Fodor, Simon De Deyne, Shinsuke Suzuki, “Compositionality and Sentence Meaning: Comparing Semantic Parsing and Transformers on a Challenging Sentence Similarity Dataset”, Computational Linguistics, in press.
Reiko Shintaki, Daiki Tanaka, Shinsuke Suzuki, Takaaki Yoshimoto, Norihiro Sadato, Junichi Chikazoe, Koji Jimura, “Continuous decision to wait for a future reward is guided by fronto-hippocampal anticipatory dynamics”, Cereb Cortex 34(5):bhae217, 2024.
Shinsuke Suzuki, Kentaro Katahira, “Applying reinforcement learning to the psychopathology of obsessive-compulsive and gambling disorders: practices and pitfalls in computational model fitting”, PsyArXiv, 2024.
Kristof Keidel, Xiaping Lu, Shinsuke Suzuki, Carsten Murawski, Ulrich Ettinger, “Association of Temporal Discounting with Transdiagnostic Symptom Dimensions”, npj Mental Health Research, 3:13.
Ishikawa, M., & Itakura, S. (2024). The development of social learning: from pedagogical cues to selective learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1466618.
Sudo, M., & Ishikawa, M. (2025). Moral gradients based on social boundaries: Children prioritize themselves and their ingroup when resources are limited. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 251, 106125.
Tamir, M., Ito, A., Miyamoto, Y., et al. (2024). Emotion regulation strategies and psychological health across cultures. American Psychologist, 79(5), 748-764.
Park, J., Kitayama, S., & Miyamoto, Y. (2024). When high subjective social status becomes a burden: A Japan-U.S. comparison of biological health markers. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50(7), 1098-1112.
Gobel, M., & Miyamoto, Y. (2024). Self- and other-orientation in high rank: A cultural psychological approach to social hierarchy. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 28(1), 54-80.
・Ishikawa, M., & Yoshioka, A. The Impact of Gaze Cueing on Incidental Learning in Childhood APS 2024 Global Psychological Science Summit 2024年10月23日 ポスター発表
・Ishikawa, M. Novel Approaches and Insights into the Psychophysiological Underpinnings of Social Development International Congress of Infant Studies 2024年7月9日 シンポジウム登壇
第24回日本赤ちゃん学会 2024年8月24日 ポスター発表
日本心理学会第88回大会 2024年9月7日 ポスター発表
2024年10月 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 戦略的創造研究推進事業(さきがけ)「社会課題を解決する人間中心インタラクションの創出」領域
2024年9月 日本心理学会第87回大会 特別優秀発表賞
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